First “Data Sove­reign” Market­place – Press Release

23. April 2020

On April 27, ADVANEO, an IT company in the field of consul­ting and imple­men­ta­tion of digi­tal trans­for­ma­tion, offi­ci­ally pres­ents a newly deve­lo­ped data market­place. This follows an inten­sive test phase lasting almost three years for the offer of a data market­place that clearly stands out from the rest: The focus is on abso­lute data sove­reig­nty, which is guaran­teed to all market­place parti­ci­pants. The ADVANEO data market­place offers the possi­bi­lity to buy, sell or exch­ange data of any kind. In addi­tion, it offers a unique pool of almost 2 million open data sets, which are conti­nuously updated and expan­ded, for rese­arch and further use.

The ADVANEO data­mar­ket­place 1.0 now presen­ted is thus a secure portal for trading with data, which is beco­ming incre­asingly important with incre­asing digi­ta­li­sa­tion, espe­ci­ally for new coope­ra­tion and the deve­lo­p­ment of new busi­ness models. The rapidly deve­lo­ping coope­ra­tion that is curr­ently emer­ging, for exam­ple in the search for COVID-19 vacci­nes, impres­si­vely demons­tra­tes the need for such portals. Seve­ral compa­nies can set up closed data rooms for shared use or exch­ange for the enrich­ment of their own data stocks, the deri­va­tion of new findings or innovations.

Contrary to other cloud and market­place offe­rings, Market­place 1.0 has no cont­act at any time with the raw data, which remains in the sove­reig­nty of the provi­ders. Only meta­data, i.e. descrip­tive infor­ma­tion, is shown, which can be found here world­wide by inte­res­ted parties. The data offers are provi­ded with rights and obli­ga­ti­ons of use. The trans­mis­sion of the origi­nal data is encrypted by certi­fied trans­mis­sion soft­ware only after successful comple­tion of the trade.

The market­place uses meta­data and is open for all common data formats. Nume­rous cate­go­ries such as IoT, produc­tion or envi­ron­men­tal data have alre­ady been ente­red for quick search and retrie­val. At the same time, around 2 million open data sets from almost one thousand inter­na­tio­nal sources such as or are curr­ently freely available. The data can be analy­zed and visua­li­zed directly in the web appli­ca­tion with the help of the Data Science Workbench.

The ADVANEO data­mar­ket­place 1.0 stands out as a resource-saving and sustainable solu­tion due to its decen­tra­li­sed approach, i.e. the raw data remains with the provi­der, thus avoi­ding the need to use large server farms. The coope­ra­tion with a data center, which runs all appli­ca­ti­ons with green elec­tri­city, also supports the expan­sion of rene­wa­ble energies.

And last but not least, an adap­ta­ble infra­struc­ture, various inter­faces and tools allow data­thons, as well as virtually execu­ted hacka­thons to initiate the deve­lo­p­ment of new data-driven applications.

Press cont­act:

Dennis Weber

+49 211 8766 91–0

Adva­neo GmbH
Neuer Zoll­hof 2
40221 Düssel­dorf

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