Adva­neo data market­place – Launch MVP 1

2. August 2018

More every day +++ Adva­neo data market­place offers data sove­reig­nty and gover­nance +++ Over 1 million open data­sets, struc­tu­red and catalogued

Düssel­dorf, August 2, 2018. mvp 1.0, the Adva­neo data market­place, is now available at for the secure exch­ange of data, whether intern­ally or extern­ally, in closed user groups or for shop-in-shop, fede­ral orga­niza­tion in distri­bu­ted systems while main­tai­ning data sove­reig­nty and governance.

The Adva­neo data market­place crea­tes the condi­ti­ons for opti­mal use of data both intern­ally and extern­ally in a secure envi­ron­ment. The range of offers is almost unlimited.

As a member of the Inter­na­tio­nal Data Space Asso­cia­tion (IDS), Adva­neo has deve­lo­ped a compre­hen­sive solu­tion for the inter­nal and exter­nal exch­ange of data in a distri­bu­ted system based on the IDS refe­rence archi­tec­ture. The advantages:

  • All data remains with the data owner
  •  The data market­place only shows metadata
  • Data sove­reig­nty and gover­nance are guaranteed.

The deve­lo­p­ment of an inter­nal market­place begins with the proces­sing of exis­ting data records of a company. After that you have the oppor­tu­nity to create your own market­place or to create closed user groups in the Adva­neo fede­ral marketplace.

In the second step, the opening to the outside, either directly via the market­place or in a shop in shop system, can take place. In any case, the origi­nal data remains with the data provi­der, who deter­mi­nes the terms of use and who alone deci­des on exch­ange or sale. Adva­neo as broker estab­lishes the desi­red connec­tions and ensu­res compli­ance with the speci­fied regulations.

At the same time, the “open data” area offers a cornu­co­pia of more than a million open data records. Struc­tu­red and arran­ged in fifteen cate­go­ries, a filter enables fast and accu­rate sear­ches and offers data Scien­tists a richly orde­red field.

The Adva­neo data market­place is constantly being expan­ded, and open data is constantly being expan­ded. In short: Daily more…