Build your own sove­reign Data Spaces

We provide the infra­struc­ture for secure data sharing in the world of the data economy.

Indi­vi­dual Data Space infrastructure

Endea­vors like IDSA and GAIA‑X are a great way to enable a sove­reign data economy. But joining these systems, let alone buil­ding your own data space, is a big challenge.

Advaneo’s Data Spaces as a service offers you the infra­struc­ture for a quick start with an indi­vi­dual configuration.

Learn how you can easily confi­gure your own Data Space for secure data sharing in our free White Paper.

Data Spaces by Advaneo

Data Spaces Solu­tion – How it works

Data Space Buil­ding Blocks

Data Spaces connect multi­ple parties in an envi­ron­ment that inher­ently imple­ments the base for trust and sove­reig­nty in your data sharing use case.
With our buil­ding blocks, we can confi­gure such a Data Space for your next data sharing use case.

Auto­ma­ted preprocessing

From a user of a Data Space, infor­ma­tion and data will flow into a module, which we call „Data Cata­log“. It mana­ges the inco­ming data in an auto­ma­ted way (e.g. tagging and clea­ning). Of course, this module is highly indi­vi­dual in its form and func­tion to the actual use case.

Sove­reign Data Sharing

After this proces­sing, the data will flow into an instance of our Data Market­place module. Here, the regu­la­ted access to all data assets in the ecosys­tem will be mana­ged and thus sove­reign data sharing is given. On top of that, users can also start mone­tiz­ing and proces­sing their data in various ways. All of this is, of course, tightly inte­gra­ted with core IDS-concepts like usage control, ident manage­ment or a clea­ring house.

Privacy Preser­ving Multi-Party-Computation

But what if you want to share your data to use it in a coope­ra­tive use case but it is just too sensi­tive open up to the other parties? Hearing that need and seeing no ready and conve­ni­ent solu­tion for that in the near future, we have deve­lo­ped our Trus­ted Data Hub to extend the current IDS solu­ti­ons. It provi­des so called „Privacy preser­ving multi party compu­ta­tion“, which, very roughly means, that you can use your sensi­tive raw data in colla­bo­ra­tive project without ever reve­al­ing it – only the results will be shared with all parties in the end.

A connec­tor

And finally, in the middle of it all, the connec­ting piece: The Connector.

Indi­vi­dual connec­tor soft­ware acts as an adap­ter – between data sources, multi­ple parties or the diffe­rent compon­ents. Addi­tio­nally, it offer useful func­tion­a­li­ties for tasks like ident manage­ment and usage control. We will pick and custo­mize the right connec­tor type for your use case. Or even do it without one, if it‘s not requi­red in the first step.

Easy imple­men­ta­tion

The imple­men­ta­tion of Data Spaces Solu­tion is very fast and straight­for­ward. Further­more, no indi­vi­dual custo­miza­tion is necessary.

Learn how to build up your own Data Space

We have compi­led detailed infor­ma­tion in a white paper, which we are happy to make available to you free of charge.

Request the free White Paper