Access to the world of data

Sove­reign data sharing in indi­vi­dual Data Spaces enables new, digi­tal busi­ness models.

We provide the infra­struc­ture for this through our Data Spaces Solu­tion Buil­ding Blocks:

A powerful data manage­ment (Data Cata­log), a global plat­form for data mone­tiza­tion (Data Market­place) and a high-perfor­­mance solu­tion to enable secure multi-party-compu­­ta­­tion and data analy­sis as well as flexi­ble machine lear­ning (Trus­ted Data Hub).

Data Spaces Solu­tion – The Buil­ding Blocks

ADVANEO Data Spaces Solu­tion Build Blocks in video

Data Catalog Symbol image Data Catalog Symbol image

Data Cata­log

Trusted Data Hub Symbol image Trusted Data Hub Symbol image

Trus­ted Data Hub

Data Marketplace Symbol image Data Marketplace Symbol image

Data Market­place

Use Cases

Comfort and Safety in next generation of data driven Automobiles
Comfort and Safety in next gene­ra­tion of data driven Automobiles 
With the great tech­no­logy advance­ment in the car indus­try, driving or letting your car drive will lead to comfort, effi­ci­ent jour­ney times and safer commute. It also gene­ra­tes new chal­lenges around da… 
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The Role of data in Pharmaceutical Industry and clinical trials
The Role of data in Phar­maceu­ti­cal Indus­try and clini­cal trials 
The search for appro­priate drugs to treat cancer by using clini­cal trial analy­sis is curr­ently a long expen­sive process. Colla­tion and avai­la­bi­lity of high quality data­sets will be a signi­fi­cant step … 
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How Citizens are ensuring implementation of Governmental Spending
How Citi­zens are ensu­ring imple­men­ta­tion of Govern­men­tal Spending 
With the avai­la­bi­lity of open data, start-up compa­nies, jour­na­lists, finan­cial insti­tu­ti­ons and data enthu­si­asts are now able to inde­pendently track govern­ment spen­ding. How can this be achie­ved and h… 
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Smart and Proactive Health Insurance Companies
Smart and Proac­tive Health Insu­rance Companies 
The insu­rance sector has been one the biggest use of data for deca­des. Speci­fi­cally, health insu­rance compa­nies whose busi­ness model invol­ves a prepaid monthly contri­bu­tion from members. 
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weitere use cases

About Us

In 2002, Ebcot GmbH, an IT deve­lo­p­ment start-up and spin-off of a rese­arch insti­tute at RWTH Aachen Univer­sity, was foun­ded in Aachen.

In 2016, the company moved to Düssel­dorf and, at the same time, chan­ged its name to ADVANEO, a reori­en­ta­tion towards the growth market of digi­tal transformation.

