Adva­neo on DEMAND – Deve­lo­p­ment project of the BMWi

2. August 2018

Data are assets of incre­asing value and utmost importance. Most compa­nies have alre­ady deri­ved effi­ci­ent measu­res from the company know­ledge available in data. But has the poten­tial alre­ady been exhaus­ted? Do sharing or sale, purchase or use of open data offer possi­bi­li­ties that have recei­ved too little atten­tion so far? And how can problems of data sove­reig­nty and gover­nance be solved without risking compe­ti­tive disad­van­ta­ges or disclo­sure of protec­ted knowledge?

The Fede­ral Minis­try of Econo­mics and Energy, BMWi, has laun­ched a funded light­house project “DEMAND – Data Econo­mics and Manage­ment of Data driven busi­ness”, which aims to deve­lop concrete solu­ti­ons for archi­tec­tures, process models and tools for the deve­lo­p­ment of data-driven busi­ness models and inno­va­tions that can be used in prac­tice. Important factors are data gover­nance, distri­bu­ted systems, trans­pa­rency, secu­rity and scaling. Network part­ners of the project include the Fraun­ho­fer Insti­tute for Soft­ware and Systems Engi­nee­ring and the Insti­tute of German Busi­ness. The Adva­neo data market­place is a central compo­nent of the project, above all in order to create use cases with part­ners from indus­try, which meet the requi­re­ments mentio­ned as rapid proto­ty­p­ing, i.e. within a time frame and with few resources.

If you are inte­res­ted in deve­lo­ping a use case toge­ther with Adva­neo, here are the cont­act options:

Phone: 0211 876691–0
Your Cont­act: Jürgen Bretfeld