Custo­mer jour­ney – a compa­ri­son that pays off

16. October 2018

For online retail­ers, it has long been a matter of course to use the so-called custo­mer jour­ney to gain an exact under­stan­ding of their own target groups. Custo­mer jour­ney descri­bes the beha­viour of custo­mers before, during and after the purchase. The same applies to the selec­tion of a suita­ble and secure market­place, espe­ci­ally when it comes to sharing, selling or buying data.

Own data, often hidden in silos, offer enorm­ous poten­tial for new busi­ness models and inno­va­tions. And this poten­tial increa­ses many times over if data from other compa­nies is also offe­red for exch­ange, purchase or sale. Data mining, closed user groups in a data market­place that guaran­tees secu­rity and espe­ci­ally data sove­reig­nty, is offe­red by the solu­tion of the Inter­na­tio­nal Data Space Asso­cia­tion (IDS) with the corre­spon­ding system archi­tec­ture. For more infor­ma­tion order your white paper now: