Access to the world of data


The Adva­neo data market­place; the path to growth, inno­va­tion, new busi­ness models, or the start­ing point for a goal-orien­ted, virtual ideas compe­ti­tion, the Data­thon. A market­place for busi­nesses and data profes­sio­nals, mapped in a distri­bu­ted system.

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The Adva­neo data marketplace

How data crea­tes new values
In an inter­nal data market­place for compa­nies, files that are often dormant in data silos are brought back to life. Available to employees as meta­data in the context of data gover­nance, for exam­ple, for an instanta­neous exch­ange between marke­ting and sales, purcha­sing and produc­tion, or between multi­ple produc­tion sites.

At the same time, this opens up the possi­bi­lity of data exch­ange with exter­nal part­ners. Share or mone­tise and license with the aim of initia­ting new busi­ness models, inno­va­tions or new collaborations.

Whether access to your data is inter­nal or world­wide, thanks to the archi­tec­ture of the Inter­na­tio­nal Data­space Asso­cia­tion (IDS), data sove­reig­nty is ensu­red. All user data remains decen­tra­li­sed at the data provi­der, whereas meta­data appears exclu­si­vely on the data marketplace.

A data market­place
of endless possibilities

The Adva­neo data market­place offers a multi­la­te­ral offer; inter­nal or exter­nal data exch­ange, or colla­bo­ra­tion in inter­nal, exter­nal or closed user groups (CUG). Only the data provi­der has sole decis­­ion-making authority.

In addi­tion, a shop-in-shop offer can be set up, i.e. compa­nies can also open their own shop in the data market­place based on the certi­fied Adva­neo IT infra­struc­ture and the offer of the scaled marke­ting effect of Adva­neo data marketplace.

At the same time, Adva­neo provi­des an open-data-coll­ec­­tion service that is world­wide and of unpre­ce­den­ted quan­tity and quality.

The clearly struc­tu­red offer of the Adva­neo data market­place enables quick and easy access: Sear­ched for and found! This ensu­res defi­ned and control­led data usage for the data provider. 


With the Adva­neo data market­place, you can open data silos. Your data beco­mes a payload once more and supports you in real time as a valuable decis­ion aid.


Exter­nal data exch­ange with part­ners also ensu­res data sove­reig­nty and data usage control.


The claim of data secu­rity is guaran­teed by the archi­tec­ture certi­fied by the Fraun­ho­fer Institute.


All data remains decen­tra­li­sed at the respec­tive data provi­der. The market­place only displays meta­data and exten­sive open data acces­si­ble to all regis­tered participants.

Your gate­way to the world of open data

Milli­ons of open data items are available free of charge to each parti­ci­pant. They provide the user with prepared meta­data descrip­ti­ons, which, above all, allow quick access without time-consum­ing sear­ching. A look at a selec­tion of exis­ting topic categories:

Economy and finance
Economy and finance
Geospatial and property
Geos­pa­tial and property
Justice, legal system and public safety
Justice, legal system and public safety
Science and technology
Science and technology
Government and public sector
Govern­ment and public sector
Population and society
Popu­la­tion and society
Employment and social welfare
Employ­ment and social welfare
Education, culture and sport
Educa­tion, culture and sport
Information and communication
Infor­ma­tion and communication
Agriculture, fisheries, forestry and food
Agri­cul­ture, fishe­ries, forestry and food
Regions and cities
Regi­ons and cities


data market­place

The Adva­neo data market­place connects compa­nies with data experts world­wide. Whether looking for how to use your own data or data-driven inno­va­tion, Adva­neo orga­ni­ses, accom­pa­nies and supports compe­ti­ti­ons for ideas for the best solutions.

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