German philiso­pher on the digi­tal trail

15. August 2018

Richard David Precht, pop star of philo­so­phy and best­sel­ling author, starts a wake-up call for a long over­due socio-poli­­ti­­cal discus­sion with his latest book: “Hunters, Shep­herds, Critics” (Jäger, Hirten, Kriti­ker). In the 2010s they displa­ced giants like Exxon Mobil, Petro-China or Gene­ral Elec­tric from the top posi­ti­ons of the most valuable compa­nies and secu­red the top posi­ti­ons. None of the former cham­pi­ons of the old indus­try exists in 2040…Mark Zucker­berg has been presi­dent of the USA for many years…”.

Richard David Precht crea­tes a utopia in which we live in a society without money and wage labour and at the same time are happy “to no longer have to do boring and alien­ated work”. But is a secure basic income, as Precht suggests, suffi­ci­ent to lead a balan­ced and satis­fy­ing life? Precht wants to shape the trans­for­ma­tion ahead of us so as not to be shaped by it. He looks at his utopia with German glas­ses and rightly so when he wants to spark off a poli­ti­cal discus­sion here in Germany. You don’t have to follow or even agree with all your thoughts, they are defi­ni­tely worth reading.

Our book tip: “Jäger, Hirten, Kriti­ker” by Richard David Precht, published 2018 by Gold­mann Verlag, only available in German.