The trend towards home offices is growing steadily. Digitalisation does not require a fixed workplace since a long time. In many areas, daily work can also be done from the living room, the kitchen or even from the bed. Improved worklife balance, falling office costs or more efficient time management are advantages from which both companies and employees can benefit.
The disadvantage: direct communication, e.g. to clarify a current problem, is more likely to be hampered. Employees in homeoffice often feel left alone. In order to remedy the situation, an e‑mail is quickly sent to the colleagues or the boss asking for a quick answer. But not every mail is opened, read and answered immediately. “You don’t send an e‑mail when there’s a fire,” says Beat Bühlmann, GM at Evernote. The result: the work comes to a standstill. So mail is not always the best and fastest way. In case of doubt, experts advise you to pick up the phone. Because: A direct conversation often saves time and many problems.