IDS Summit March 2018

6. June 2018

In March 2018 the 1st Inter­na­tio­nal Data Spaces Asso­cia­tion Summit took place in the Expe­ri­ence Center of PwC in Frank­furt /Main. For two days the IDS was the focus of a diver­si­vied program.

The focus is on consul­ting, Data­thon and the data market­place, which will be online in the next few days. Adva­neo sees itself as a pioneer and compa­n­ion in digi­tal trans­for­ma­tion, provi­ding stra­te­gic and concep­tual advice. “From idea to reality” is taken lite­rally, the support expli­citly includes the realiza­tion of tasks and projects.