System Admi­nis­tra­tor (part time) (d/f/m)

Data determines our lives. Whether it’s climate change, crisis management or economic transformation – data forms the basis for almost everything. We have been commissioned by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection with a research project on data-driven early crisis detection and crisis defense, and so we are now building the data-sovereign future of Europe! Are you in?

System Administrator (part time) (d/f/m)

Your tasks… 

You are respon­si­ble for the support, admi­nis­tra­tion, main­ten­ance and opti­miza­tion of our entire on-prem and cloud-based IT infrastructure.
You set up moni­to­ring to ensure correct beha­vior of all systems.
You are respon­si­ble for the smooth opera­tion of our infra­struc­ture and trou­ble­shoot any problems that occur.
You will inde­pendently analyze any faults that arise and ensure a sustainable solu­tion to the problem.
You docu­ment your work and our infra­struc­ture during deve­lo­p­ment and maintenance.
Further deve­lo­p­ment and main­ten­ance of the CI/CD pipe­line for auto­ma­ted and conti­nuous inte­gra­tion of new func­tion­a­li­ties into the corre­spon­ding local and cloud servers.
You parti­ci­pate in daily meetings to share your progress and any issues.
You report directly to the deve­lo­p­ment manager.

What we expect… 

You have a degree in the IT field or an appren­ti­ce­ship in the same field with rele­vant work experience.
You have seve­ral years of expe­ri­ence with:
Linux System Admi­nis­tra­tion (Ubuntu)
Git, Bash, Python and Linux stan­dard tools
Moni­to­ring systems (e.g. Elasticsearch)
Layer 3, 4 and 7 proto­cols (IPv4, IPv6, TCP, UDP, ICMP, DNS, HTTP(s))
Web servers and HTTP proxy systems
Networ­king (IPv4, IPv6, routing, firewall)
Contai­ner tech­no­lo­gies – Kuber­netes, Docker or similar.
Ideally, you also have know­ledge of Tooling around tcpdump, XDP, eBPF and sFlow for network analysis.
A willing­ness to take on responsibility.
Fluency in English and good German would be desirable.

Who we are…

The roots of Advaneo GmbH go back to 2002. Originating as a spin-off of a research institute at RWTH Aachen University, we have been dealing with business analytics, data management and AI for more than 20 years. With Data-Spaces-as-a-Service, Advaneo offers a unique IT infrastructure for the new, federated world of the data economy. We support companies in developing and rapidly implementing new, forward-looking data-based business models together with partners. The focus here is on data security and data sovereignty.

Our office in Düsseldorf’s Medienhafen guarantees you a pleasant working environment in a young team and a relaxed atmosphere.


This is what awaits you with us:

Corporate culture

A fami­liar atmo­sphere, flat hier­ar­chies, short decis­­ion-making proces­ses and an open envi­ron­ment – this is what charac­te­ri­zes the culture in our company. Through flexi­ble working hours and a hybrid work model, we offer you a good work-life balance.


Through our multi­cul­tu­ral and colorful team, we at Adva­neo stand for versa­ti­lity and diver­sity. No matter who, ever­yone can contri­bute their ideas and sugges­ti­ons to us.

Team spirit

As often as we can, we try to exch­ange ideas with each other and work toge­ther as a team to master the digi­tal chal­lenges, but also to celebrate.


Because money isn’t ever­y­thing in life, we offer our employees much more. State-of-the-art IT equip­ment, 31 vaca­tion days, our office dog “Benga”, various employee offers and, of course, free drinks and deli­cious coffee.