Machine broken? That was once…

10. August 2018

The sale of a machine, for exam­ple, used to be a comple­ted process. Not anymore. Today, service begins seam­lessly at the conclu­sion of the sale in order to ensure ongo­ing opera­ti­ons. And where­ver reasonable and possi­ble, the service should be data-based and data-driven, espe­ci­ally to detect errors before they come to a standstill.

Our current use case: “A safe and effi­ci­ent indus­trial process with predec­tive main­ten­ance” shows the possi­bi­li­ties and advan­ta­ges of networ­king in order to be able to plan accu­rate predic­tions and prepa­ra­ti­ons for neces­sary reme­dial measu­res in time so that it runs and runs and runs and runs. The Adva­neo data market­place offers the tools to create such a network. This works both intern­ally and extern­ally because data secu­rity and gover­nance are guaran­teed at all times.