Mino­rity Report

31. August 2018

“On behalf of the Crime Preven­tion Divi­sion… I hereby arrest you. You will be char­ged with the future murder… you would have commit­ted today.” What was still conside­red science fiction in the film “Mino­rity Report” a few years ago beco­mes the reality of tomor­row with the analy­sis possi­bi­li­ties of Big Data.

In the world of data econo­mics, big data provi­des decis­ion support and predic­ta­ble proba­bi­li­ties that enable compa­nies to support plan­ning, inno­va­tion, invest­ment and comple­tely new busi­ness models. The prin­ci­ple “class instead of mass” applies the other way round: mass brings class. Howe­ver, in order to keep an over­view in the “majo­rity report”, suita­ble systems and tools are requi­red. And it’s not too late not to miss the train of time.

“Data mining” in your own company, use of open data, networ­king in data market places allow control­led hand­ling and access to big data in protec­ted rooms. The prere­qui­site is a system archi­tec­ture that meets the requi­re­ments of secure data traf­fic and guaran­tees data gover­nance. With the refe­rence archi­tec­ture of the Inter­na­tio­nal Data Spaces Asso­cia­tion (IDS), the Adva­neo data market­place curr­ently offers exactly the right offer, acces­si­ble in just a few clicks.