Mone­tiza­tion of data – more than just selling

14. August 2018

When asked about the importance of mone­tiza­tion of data, a typi­cal answer is: exch­ange, i.e. buying and selling data for cash.

Data has long since become a high-quality, inde­pen­dent econo­mic asset whose use offers much grea­ter perfor­mance poten­tial, namely for cost reduc­tions, incre­asing produc­ti­vity, mini­mi­zing risk, deve­lo­ping new products or markets and not least for estab­li­shing and main­tai­ning busi­ness rela­ti­onships based on part­ner­ship or deve­lo­ping new busi­ness models.

But what condi­ti­ons must be met in order to fully exploit the possi­bi­li­ties of data mone­tiza­tion? Explai­ned in short steps, this includes acti­vat­ing the wealth of know­ledge of your own company data, which is often dormant in data silos. The data can then be used in closed user groups or on a data market place in order to estab­lish new busi­ness relationships.

Howe­ver, the imple­men­ta­tion of data mone­tiza­tion is not a matter of course. This requi­res a sophisti­ca­ted data infra­struc­ture that must be built up step by step. A first step is the acti­va­tion of your own company know­ledge available in data, in order to be able to build up an inter­nal data market­place, for exam­ple. Access rights can be control­led by closed user groups. In a second step, this market­place can also be opened for exter­nal parti­ci­pants to enable data exch­ange or the deve­lo­p­ment of new busi­ness models. At the same time, data protec­tion, data secu­rity and gover­nance must be guaranteed.

Adva­neo data market­place offers a solu­tion to these complex requi­re­ments alre­ady in the first mvp version, based on the refe­rence archi­tec­ture of the Inter­na­tio­nal Data Space Asso­cia­tion (IDS) with the guaran­tee of the neces­sary data secu­rity and gover­nance on the basis of a distri­bu­ted system. It also provi­des access to over 1 million open data that are expan­ded daily. Struc­tu­red and clearly arran­ged in fifteen cate­go­ries, thus a cornu­co­pia of helpful data sets, without long sear­ches and high expen­dit­ure of time.