Data driven addons crea­ted the King of Real Estate Market


Analy­sing open data sources linked to inter­nal data sources trans­form busi­ness decis­i­ons and stra­te­gies. It ulti­m­ately leads to redu­ced expen­ses, increased reve­nues and excel­lent custo­mer satis­fac­tion. Immobilienscout24 is an online company that provi­des a plat­form for anyone to buy, sell or rent property. There were a number of compe­ti­tors with simi­lar offe­rings but one key factor sets Immobilienscout24 above others. They have made good use of open data sources to provide best custo­mer expe­ri­ence for visi­tors on their platform.

Data­sets used

Immobilienscout24 has lever­a­ged on open data to provide added on services in your property search. Open data provi­ded by the govern­ment to include loca­tion of the nearest trains station, bus stop, Phar­macy and grocery stores. This helps custo­mers to know the proxi­mity to key social amen­i­ties inclu­ding kinder­gar­tens from the property being conside­red. With this infor­ma­tion Immobilienscout24 is now able to offer addi­tio­nal services based on insight gained from open data to finance insti­tu­ti­ons, provide sugges­ti­ons to sellers and provide key insight to other compa­nies on their platform.

Adva­neo Data Marketplace

The scena­rio descri­bed above is not as easy and straight­for­ward as it seems. It invol­ves exten­sive amount of data mining, veri­fi­ca­tion and clea­ning. This could take up to 80% of the task requi­red before corre­la­tion and deci­ding if the data­set is rele­vant for a speci­fic task or not. This usually can take months of exhaus­tive search. The Adva­neo market place provi­des a seam­less solu­tion as it is

Easy to Use: In a few clicks, get the requi­red data­set you need for your rese­arch, project, market analy­sis or new busi­ness model.

Expands Your View: The data market place will provide you with a set of comple­men­tary rele­vant data­sets to under­stand trends seen in your analysis.

No Over­heads: Each data­set alre­ady reve­als a set of meta­data inclu­ding the provi­der and license. All data­sets have veri­fied end points.


Today, a key part of Immobilienscout24’s work­force are data scien­tists. Over the last decade, the company has grown from being a newco­mer to now having 7 million users per month on their site with a large share than all their compe­ti­tors combined.

Not all compa­nies have the resour­ces to have a dedi­ca­ted depart­ment of data scien­tist who spend 80% of their time sear­ching and sort­ing through data sets. They can now leverage on the Adva­neo market place to achieve simi­lar results with just a few clicks.