Do it again, Ludwig

30. August 2018

Ludwig Erhard is regarded as a pioneer and father of the social market economy in Germany. Rest­ric­tions were impo­sed on indus­trial and finan­cial capi­ta­lism with the aim of crea­ting social justice and ulti­m­ately “prospe­rity for all”. Since the exis­tence of the Inter­net and inex­orable digi­ta­liza­tion, the power of data has incre­asingly come to the fore. Experts are alre­ady talking about data capitalism.

In order to survive under these new condi­ti­ons, it is best for compa­nies to reinvent them­sel­ves, since exis­ting prin­ci­ples of order such as supply and demand are based on a new foun­da­tion. In the past, the price was the sole point of refe­rence for the value of a product or service, but today a data driven infor­ma­tion is more meaningful than just the price.

For compa­nies, this means adap­ting to this initial situa­tion. This includes the provi­sion and avai­la­bi­lity of own data, the exch­ange, purchase or sale of data and the use of open data sources. Stan­dards and rules must also apply here, so as not to leave the field to a few data octo­pu­ses. What is needed is a new digi­tal social market economy, i.e. “do it again…”.