Faster, better, forward-looking. How Insigths gene­rate compe­ti­tive advantages

10. September 2018

The use of data through advan­ced analy­sis not only helps in decis­­ion-making, but also makes it faster, better and allows you to look ahead. Insights become fore­sigths that acce­le­rate inno­va­tion of products and services.

This requi­res advan­ced tech­no­lo­gies and tools that enable the proces­sing of as large a volume of data as possi­ble. There are alre­ady nume­rous plat­forms or market­place offe­rings and, last but not least, open data that provide an exten­sive range of data. But caution is called for here, because either you end up with the big data krakens, which also pursue a high self-inte­­rest, or with “unpro­tec­ted” data traf­fic, which rightly invol­ves a high risk.

Data protec­tion and secu­rity as well as data sove­reig­nty must be guaran­teed in order to be able to use the advan­ta­ges of large amounts of data from diffe­rent sources. The refe­rence system archi­tec­ture of the Inter­na­tio­nal Data Spaces Asso­cia­tion (IDS) offers a sensi­ble solu­tion for gene­ra­ting fore­sights from insights.